Can Teatree Oil For Yeast Disease Work?



Yeast infection is very common, especially among women, and excessively upsetting for the sufferers. A vaginal candidiasis happens when Candida albicans, yeast discovered from the anus, multiplies abnormally. This is caused by a decrease in the amount of bacteria that usually regulates the yeast. Contraceptive pills, your menstrual period, pregnancy, diabetes are some of the sources for the decrease in bacteria which regulates the yeast. A fantastic home fix with this illness is teatree oil.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

It's an essential oil produced from the leaves of this tea shrub -- Latin name Melaleuca alternifolia. This really isn't the tea plant from which you get the leaves to get your everyday cup of java : this really is a completely different species.

Few say that it got its name from 18th century sailors who believed the leaves smelled like peppermint. Other people say that they used the leaves to get tea named the tree accordingly, official site.


The petroleum contains compounds called terpenoids that have antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Some studies indicate that it might help in the treating matters like, bacterial infections, psoriasis, psoriasis, head lice, athlete's foot, cold sores, wounds and skin lesions.

Tea Tree Oil for Yeastinfection

Since it has particular anti-fungal benefits, several small-scale studies are completed to discover whether it is effective against the Candida albicans disease which is the major cause of yeast infection.

In a particular study, the petroleum has been shown to work for oral contraceptive when put to use as a mouthwash.

In another study, there is some signs that its topical application could help to treat other yeast infections, like the epidermis.

Although the studies are encouraging, it's probably safe to say that most professionals believe that there's insufficient evidence to establish that antifungal essential oils, and more largescale clinical trials are required.

But, there's a whole lot of anecdotal success stories in actual sufferers who have used tea tree oil for their yeast diseases.

Whether you are still considering applying this remedy as a lot of people have done, you then should consult with your doctor first. You need to make sure it's ideal for the specific case.

Where to Buy Teatree Oil

You can buy it as an important oil from pharmacies, health stores, several supermarkets and even on the web.

At exactly the exact same time frame there are many products containing low levels of teatree oil, such as soaps, shampoos, creams, creams, and toothpaste.


You have to be aware that the oil is toxic if consumed. So merely use it like a mouthwash under a physician's supervision.

If you are pregnant or pregnant then you definitely shouldn't utilize this remedy.
Given its toxicity, you must keep it out of their reach of kids and pets.

Tea tree oil for yeast infection is highly popular. But, whilst it may eliminate the symptoms, you really need to tackle the underlying causes to stay Candida-free.